31 days of ways – May 24


Back in the 80s a gem of a book was written, Feel the fear and do it anyway, and Susan Jeffers became a household name in breaking down the perception of fear, making it feel normal to experience and encouraged readers to get on with chasing they wanted rather than letting fear stifle them. The book has had immeasurable affect for my coaching, helping my Clients to achieve their dreams and for me personally to overcome areas of anxiety in my world.

Another quote I often reference that compliments the work of Susan Jeffers well is from another pioneer in the self-help industry Marianne Williamson, who said, ‘our deepest fear is we’re powerful beyond measure’ – stepping into, or letting our individual light shine is often more daunting that failure, disappointment and loss of achievement. It is a really great to quote to reflect on when you feel fear set in about a project or part of your life you want to change. When you want to step up, allow yourself to excel and be at your best, don’t let the fear get the better of you.

Is there something you can do today that will step you closer to the powerful you?

Here is a link to the month focus I did on fear a while back.

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